Statement from LNP Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

“The Auditor-General report released today highlights the Palaszczuk Labor Government doesn’t have an economic plan to get Queensland working again.

“The Report found that the government haven’t been able to track how successful their response has been, further proof they are flying blind during the biggest economic crisis in almost a century and why a full state budget is needed.

“Both Queensland Treasury and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet told us that, although they are involved in coordinating the response, they do not have complete information about what the uptake rates of the individual measures are.”

“Most of the announcements from the government are ‘business as usual’ and that just won’t cut it especially at a time when nearly 200,000 Queenslanders are looking for a job.

“The LNP has already announced an Economic Recovery Agency that will report directly to the Premier, coordinating a comprehensive program of fast-tracked projects to stimulate the economy and drag us out of recession.

  • Delivering the New Bradfield scheme
  • Establishing the Queensland Dam Company to progress the Nullinga Dam, Urannah Dam, Rookwood Weir, Burdekin Falls Dam upgrade and Emu Swamp Dam
  • Fixing Paradise Dam utilising international expert advice
  • An immediate audit of stalled major projects and fast-tracking approvals across all government agencies  
  • Issuing the tender documents for the $1 billion South-East Queensland congestion busting infrastructure stimulus package
  • Fast-tracking approvals for the Second M1
  • Delivering 4 new ICE rehab centres
  • Promoting Queensland as the low tax state for investment because of our no new taxes policy
  • Implementing our Queensland Investment Partnerships, to secure $1 billion of private sector investment
  • Reducing water prices for Sun Water irrigators by almost 20 per cent
  • Establishing our Industry Skills Council to ensure vocational training is meeting skills shortages
  • Fast-tracking air-conditioning every state school classroom to support local tradie jobs

“Prior to COVID, Queensland had the nation’s highest unemployment, most bankruptcies and lowest business confidence.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk was the last Premier to announce an economic stimulus package but was the first and only Premier to cancel her budget.

“Queensland can’t afford another four years of Labor and only the LNP has a strong economic plan to create a decade of secure jobs.”