Premier pays tribute on ANZAC Day

The Honourable Campbell Newman

Premier pays tribute on ANZAC Day

Premier Campbell Newman will today pay tribute to both current serving and former members of the Defence Force.

Mr Newman said ANZAC Day was one of the most significant days on the calendar and he encouraged all Queenslanders to attend services around the state today.

“It’s a time when we all reflect on the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many which has ultimately shaped this great nation,” Mr Newman said.

“It’s important we continue to keep this day front of mind and remember the ANZAC spirit.

“Anzac Day is a day for all Australians to recognise the sacrifice of our forefathers and we need to do everything possible to continue that legacy through the coming generations.”

The Premier also recognised currently serving members of the defence force.

“As we pause today we should also reflect on the fact that there are other Australians all over the world defending what we believe in, and helping other people find a better, safer life for the future,” he said.

Mr Newman’s father Kevin served as a Lieutenant Colonel during the Vietnam War. Mr Newman served in the Australian Army for 13 years as an Australian Amy Engineer, retiring in 1993 with a rank of Major.

Mr Newman will attend the dawn service at the Royal Australian Engineers’ dawn service ceremony at the Gallipoli Barracks, the march and ceremony at the Gaythorne RSL at 6.15am, the ceremony at the Ashgrove War Memorial at 8am the parade at King George Square which starts at 9.30am.

Service location and times can be found on the RSL website

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