The LNP is demanding breach of bail be restored as an offence in the Youth Justice Act.
Parliamentary Estimates revealed 92 young criminals committed 30 offences or more while on bail in the past 12 months, a 35% increase on the previous reporting year.
Earlier this year, the State Government rolled out its 6-point plan to deal with Queensland’s youth crime crisis.
So far, not one young offender has been fitted with a court-ordered GPS tracker.
Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said restoring breach of bail as an offence would empower police to intercept young offenders earlier before they fall into an out-of-control life of crime.
It would also ensure greater protection for Queensland’s communities with harder consequences for repeat, violent young criminals.
“The State Government is losing control of youth crime in Queensland,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“Restoring breach of bail as an offence means young criminals will be pulled back into line by police and back into the justice system before they get the chance to offend again.
“I’m becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the fact many Queenslanders no longer feel safe in their neighbourhoods and homes.
“Queenslanders have a right to feel safe in their own homes, to walk their dog at night and to be able to drive through their own neighbourhoods without the risk of being run off the road by a stolen car driven by an out-of-control kid.
“It’s time Labor conceded their approach is not working and re-introduce breach of bail as an offence.”
Estimates also revealed after the State Government introduced its so-called ‘tough on crime’ policy, a teenage thug has been charged with committing a whopping 202 offences while out on bail.
Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls said the youth crime crisis boils down to a simple question for Queenslanders… one car or two?
“As it stands, a young offender can be released on bail after stealing a car and won’t be punished until they steal a second car,” he said.
“By re-introducing breach of bail as an offence police can be empowered to intercept young criminals if they start to stray from a path designed to keep them from a life of crime.
“Police would be able to bring these kids back into the justice system before they steal that second car, cutting off their spiralling trajectory into a life of crime earlier.
“Wayward children need to be put back on the straight and narrow but that won’t happen unless they have consequences for their actions.
“I’m calling on the State Government to restore breach of bail as an offence immediately and start protecting our communities.”
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