Labor must review knee-jerk decision to close weapons armourers

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s decision to immediately shut down and classify licensed weapons armourers and dealers as ‘non-essential services’ without proper justification must be urgently reviewed.

LNP Shadow Minister for Police Trevor Watts said Labor’s knee-jerk decision to close weapons armourers and dealers will have significant consequences on the Queenslanders who rely on these services.

“Farmers are needed now more than ever to produce food and fibre and they rely on firearms in the management of their land,” Mr Watts said

“This shows how out of touch the Palaszczuk Labor government is with regional Queensland.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government needs to explain why it has included licensed armourers and dealers in the shutdown, which provide essential goods and services to Queenslanders.

“The LNP is calling on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to overturn the decision immediately and work with the industry to put measures in place that can keep these businesses open but maintain social distancing.

“It is imperative that licensed armourers and dealers continue to operate in order to adhere to animal welfare standards in the event a firearm is required to humanely euthanise a sick or injured animal.

“Only the LNP understands the value of agriculture and the essential services that are needed to keep food on the table of Queensland families.”

The LNP has written to the Premier and the Minister for Police and asked them to explain why these businesses were included as a non-essential service.