Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s plan to tear down Paradise Dam even further is another devastating blow to local jobs and the economic future of the Wide Bay-Burnett region, LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said today.
“The Palaszczuk Labor Government should be stopping the dam wall being torn down, not tearing it down even further,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Securing local jobs and providing job security is the biggest issue in Queensland and once again the Palaszczuk Labor Government is tone deaf to the economic concerns of this region.
“Labor demolishing the dam further will deal another devastating blow to the economic security of the Wide Bay-Burnett region.
“The capacity of Paradise Dam will be slashed by four per cent if Labor lowers it more than five metres.
“Local growers say this will increase the economic impact of Labor’s decision to $2.7 billion.
“The region simply cannot afford to lose jobs, lose money and lose its water security as well.”
Ms Frecklington said Labor needed to look closely at the independent advice of US dam expert Dr Paul Rizzo, who has reported that the dam can be repaired for $25 million.
“An LNP Government will work with experts such as Dr Paul Rizzo to fix Paradise Dam,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Water means jobs and now more than ever jobs are desperately needed in the Bundaberg region.
“The only way to protect local jobs, safeguard the region’s water security and stop Paradise Dam from being torn down is to change the government.”