Labor uses Christmas as smokescreen to hide child safety stats

  • More than 60 per cent of investigations into suspected child abuse are not starting within required timeframes
  • More than half of all child abuse investigations are dragging on longer than the required two month timeframe
  • New Minister Di Farmer can’t hide the ongoing failings of child safety department

Labor has used Christmas as a smokescreen to hide shocking child safety performance data, which shows vulnerable Queenslanders are being failed by the system.

LNP Shadow Minister for Child Safety Stephen Bennett said Labor had once again tried to drop these statistics at a time when most Queenslanders were on holidays, in an attempt to hide from scrutiny.

“Last time Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor released the performance data at the height of the Mark Bailey email scandal, in the hope no one would pick it up,” Mr Bennett said.

“What do we see from a new Minister? More of the same. Dropping these important statistics that highlight how poorly our child safety system is functioning only a few days before Christmas when most Queenslanders are tuned out.

“When looking at the data you can see why Labor is determined to hide from scrutiny.

“More than 60 per cent of investigations are not commencing within the required timeframe. That equates to 12,766 cases of suspected abuse not being responded to within the timeframes set by the department.

“We can’t afford to keep letting our children fall through the cracks.”

Mr Bennett said while the department had a new Minister, Queenslanders still had the same old Palaszczuk Government sitting back and doing nothing to address these issues.

“A new Minister won’t change the fact that the number of investigations being completed within the required 60-day timeframe has deteriorated and there are more and more children subject to long-term protection orders,” he said.

“It’s an indictment on the system we continue to see carer families for our most vulnerable walking away.

“Queenslanders deserve better than a sneaky government using the Christmas holidays as a chance to hide their continued failure to protect our most vulnerable young Queenslanders.”