Costly Cabinet Reheat
A scathing new report by the Auditor-General has exposed the Palaszczuk Labor Government Cabinet reshuffle is costing Queenslanders millions of dollars and hindering frontline services.
A scathing new report by the Auditor-General has exposed the Palaszczuk Labor Government Cabinet reshuffle is costing Queenslanders millions of dollars and hindering frontline services.
Today marks six months to the day since Premier Palaszczuk made her “ten-point” announcement, following the tragic death of Brisbane mum Emma Lovell on Boxing Day.
Today marks one year to the day since the landmark integrity review Let the Sunshine In was handed down by Professor Coaldrake.
For years the Palaszczuk Labor Government has been warned about the viability of the CTP insurance scheme.
The Queensland Health Crisis has taken a drastic turn after the latest statistics obtained by the State Opposition revealed a record-breaking start to 2023 for ambulance lost time.
Click Here to watch my budget reply speech. I rise to make my budget reply. A budget sets out a
All we ask for is our fair share, which in this Palaszczuk Labor budget we have not received. Only fifty
Power bills are set to again soar higher for thousands of Queensland families and businesses due to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s failure to maintain State-owned power plants.
The chaotic Palaszczuk Labor Government has been caught deliberately hiding critical health data by no longer informing the public when Queensland hospitals run out of beds.