Minister for Natural Resources and Mines
The Honourable Andrew Cripps
LNP moves early to strike balance between mining and farming
The Newman Government has today taken another step towards achieving a transparent and respectful relationship between resource companies and landholders, tabling the report of an Independent Review into Land Access arrangements.
Mr Cripps said the State Government is determined to strike a balance between the resource sector’s ambitious growth plans and the legitimate concerns of land owners.
“As part of our First 100 Day Action Plan we have already addressed key concerns raised in the Land Access Review Panel report,” Mr Cripps said.
“This shows that we are moving quickly to reach an acceptable balance between development and protecting the State’s best land.”
“The resources and agricultural sectors form half of the four pillars of the Queensland economy and will play a crucial role in getting the state back on track.”
The Newman Government has already established the GasFields Commission to be tter manage the coexistence between landholders, regional communities and the resources industry in Queensland.
The State Government has also prioritised Statutory Regional Plans for the Darling Downs, and in Central Queensland, including the development of Strategic Cropping Land Maps.
“Additionally the LNP has committed to boosting transparency in the industry by making agreements between gas companies and landholders publicly available,” he said.
“These initiatives show that we are moving quickly to restore confidence in government process to protect the interests of landholders. They will also allow the resources sector to regain its social licence to operate.”
“The former State Labor government failed to ensure the orderly development of the coal seam gas sector within a modern regulatory framework.”
Mr Cripps said media commentary suggesting the Land Access report had been suppressed is inaccurate.
“The LNP has made no secret of the existence of this report and publicly committed to reviewing its recommendations,” he said.
The full Land Access Review Panel report will be available on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website today and stakeholders are encouraged to provide direct comment to the Department within 30 days.
Click here to review the Land Access Review Panel report