LNP plan to protect resource jobs from extremists

Tuesday, 22nd September 2020

The LNP is listening to Queenslanders who want access to safe, secure and reliable jobs during these trying economic times.

A future Deb Frecklington LNP Government has tough anti-trespass laws that will protect workers and resource jobs from extremists who want to sabotage lawful resource businesses operating and employing locals.

LNP Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dale Last said that the LNP introduced the Criminal Code (Trespass Offences) Amendment Bill in 2019, in response to a surge in law-breaking actions by protesters threatening Queensland jobs.*

“The LNP’s tough new laws are all about protecting resource jobs,” Mr Last said.

“Under these laws it doesn’t matter if you are an individual, a group, or an organisation, you will face severe punishments for industrial sabotage.

“Hefty fines and lengthy jail time are the only way to stamp out this disruptive, pre-meditated and sophisticated criminal behaviour.

“These laws were endorsed by the state’s peak industry body – the Queensland Resources Council – who understand the need to protect businesses and resource jobs**.

“Parliament never got to debate the LNP’s tough new laws because the Palaszczuk Labor Government is anti-regions and anti-resources.

“Providing secure resource jobs and encouraging more investment is crucial to Queensland’s economic recovery and only the LNP has a plan to deliver.

“Local resource jobs cannot be put at risk under a weak Palaszczuk Labor Government that is beholden to extremists who seek to destroy our resources sector.

“The LNP is the only party determined to protect jobs in the resources and farming industries by delivering tough new laws and stronger penalties.

“Only a Deb Frecklington LNP Government has a plan to supercharge our regions to get Queensland working again and deliver a decade of secure jobs”.

*LNP Trespass:

  • Aggravated trespass: maximum of 3 years imprisonment or a maximum fine of 100 penalty units ($13,055)
  • Serious Criminal Trespass: maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment or a maximum fine of 3000 penalty units ($391,650)
  • Organised Trespass: maximum fine of 10 years imprisonment or 3000 penalty units ($391,650)

** https://www.qrc.org.au/media-releases/qld-parliament-must-consider-both-bills-to-crack-down-on-dangerous-protests/