Palaszczuk must release full list of youth bail houses today

  • Palaszczuk Labor Government must release the full list of youth bail houses and explain how the Government will keep Queenslanders safe
  • Labor’s ignoring the rioters who’ve taken to the roofs of our detention centres and wants to put them on a roof near you!
  • Only the LNP will introduce tough youth justice reforms and only the LNP has a real plan to tackle crime in Queensland

The LNP has today called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to release the full list of youth bail houses and explain how they are going keep Queenslanders safe.

LNP Shadow Attorney-General Ian Walker said Annastacia Palaszczuk needed to step up and show leadership to Queenslanders by releasing the full list of proposed youth “detention centres” in the suburbs.

“We have Queenslanders living in fear because they do not know if youth offenders are moving into their street,” Mr Walker said.

“Labor’s scheme means that young offenders charged with any type of offence, including serious violent offences, could be held in houses right next door to families across the state.

“Typical Labor – no real plan to implement their soft-on-crime policy, only this knee-jerk response with zero consultation.

“Why the secrecy? Where are they planning to put these houses in Queensland?

“And why will this Government not release the list?”

“It is being reported that even the Deputy Premier does not want one of these youth bail houses in South Brisbane, so why is the rest of Queensland being kept in the dark?”

Mr Walker said at the same time Labor had been caught with a secret plan for young offenders in the suburbs, the LNP had announced it would introduce some of the nation’s toughest youth justice reforms.

“We’ve already seen violence and rioting issues in both of our detention centres with staff injured and property damaged and now Labor wants to take these types of young offenders out of centres and put them out into the suburbs,” Mr Walker said.

“The contrast between the soft-on-crime Palaszczuk Labor Government and the LNP could not be starker.

“Labor’s been about youth detention secrecy for too long – remember the 600 page report into whether there was institutional abuse in the centres. It couldn’t answer the question and 2/3 of it was blacked out.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk needs to explain how she’s going to keep your kids, the elderly and you safe with a crazy policy like this.”