With temperature records set to be smashed today, the LNP is urging Annastacia Palaszczuk to think again and introduce air-conditioning in every Queensland state school classroom.
The LNP is committed to delivering air-conditioning in all state schools if elected in October 2020.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said this week’s severe heatwave would be unbearable for students and teachers in schools without air-conditioning.
Temperatures are today expected to reach 36C in Brisbane and 39C in Ipswich, Gatton and Chinchilla.
“Little kids can’t learn if they’re stuck in a sweltering classroom,” Ms Frecklington said.
“I feel sorry for the students and teachers who will be trying to work in unbearable conditions over the next few days.
“While Annastacia Palaszczuk and her Cabinet work in air-conditioned comfort, our school kids and their teachers will be feeling the heat.
“Labor needs to follow the LNP’s lead and commit to air-conditioning our state schools.
“Kids concentrate better in air-conditioned classrooms. It’s simple – cool kids are smart kids.”
P&Cs Queensland and the Queensland Teachers Union both back air-conditioning state schools.
“It’s time for Annastacia Palaszczuk to give our sweltering kids a break,” Ms Frecklington said.
“If Labor won’t do it, I promise parents that the LNP will.”
LNP Shadow Education Minister Jarrod Bleijie said air-conditioning would improve educational standards.
“Kids find it easier to concentrate in cooler temperatures and they are less likely to become tired and disruptive,” Mr Bleijie said.
“If we want our kids to be the smartest in the nation, we must air-condition every state school.”