The Honourable Campbell Newman
Premier urges electricity customers to shop around
Premier Campbell Newman is urging Queenslanders to follow his family’s decision to vote with their feet for a better deal on electricity.
Mr Newman said his family will be changing electricity providers after Origin Energy announced increases to unregulated Tariff 11.
“I’m disgusted that Origin has let Queenslanders down by these outrageous price increases,” Mr Newman said.
“I’ll be looking to change my family’s provider and I hope fellow Queenslanders will follow suit.
“LNP MPs will provide information packs to help customers to move away from Origin.”
Mr Newman said Origin customers should contact other electricity suppliers for a better deal and seriously consider moving their accounts.
He said the Government is very disappointed that Origin has clearly broken with the former practice of capping the price of unregulated supply at the price set by the Queensland Competition Authority.
The Government is also considering other measures to protect consumers, including:
Banning break fees, so families can change suppliers without penalty, making it retrospective
Asking the Federal Treasurer to refer Origin to ACCC for false and misleading conduct
Mounting a public awareness campaign so customers know their rights
The Government will also investigate penalising Origin by withholding funds allocated to compensate the company for freezing Tariff 11.
“Quite frankly I hope Queenslanders send the clear message to whichever provider they use that this behaviour is just not good enough.”
Other South-east Queensland electricity providers include:
AGL Sales Pty Ltd
1300 721 245
Click Energy
1800 775 929
Dodo Power and Gas
13 36 36
Lumo Energy
1300 11 5866
Momentum Energy
1300 662 778
Powerdirect Pty Ltd
1300 307 966
1300 44 85 35
Sanctuary Energy
1800 109 099
TRUenergy Pty Ltd
133 466