New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed Queensland’s domestic economy flatlined over the September quarter.
LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said the statistics are more evidence Labor’s anti-jobs agenda is holding Queensland back.
“Queensland’s domestic economy barely grew, expanding just 0.1% over the September quarter,” Mr Mander said.
“Queensland’s declining levels of private investment was weighing heavily on growth.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk’s high-taxing, anti-jobs agenda is destroying jobs and grinding Queensland’s economy to a halt.
“Labor’s red tape and new taxes are making it harder and harder for anyone to invest in Queensland.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk has driven Queensland’s economy into the ground with nine new or increased taxes ripping $3.5 billion from the economy.
“You can’t tax your way to growth.
“Only the LNP has a plan to invest in job-creating infrastructure by building
new roads and dams, cut red tape and slash regional power bills.
“With MYFER due any
day, the Palaszczuk Government needs to adopt the LNP policy of no new taxes to
get Queensland’s economy working again.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk and Jackie Trad’s economic mismanagement is holding
Queensland back.
“Queensland can’t afford another four years of Labor.”