We need a Centre of Excellence for Ground Water Research on the Downs.
Science is the solution; the communities of my part of Queensland all use Ground Water. This critical resource is needed for families, the environment, the irrigators and the miners in fact we all need to manage and share this resource effectively. Mr Watts Said
This tired 20 year old Labor Government has failed to plan and failed to fund the research necessary to understand and the interactions each user has on the water of Great Artisan Basin and other aquifers.
Labor is ridding rough shod over everyone charging ahead in a desperate quest to fund their waste and mismanagement of Queensland. Labor won’t spend money in our region to protect our most valuable resource, water. Mr Watts Said.
Labor have already knocked back a very small request by USQ for State and Federal funding into groundwater research.
I have a vision for regional Queensland, an economically strong and vibrant place where the four pillars of the Queensland economy Agriculture, Mining, Tourism and Construction forge a head working with government collaboratively to solve issues as they arise.
My Vision on water is a big vision, of a world leading Centre of Excellence for Groundwater Research based at USQ as a Key component of the Sustainable Regions Institute at USQ.
Unlike Anna Bligh’s man on the Downs Kerry Shine I won’t forget my region, I will fight for funding and support to understand how to manage Queensland’s ground water for the benefit of all Queenslanders.
My federal college Mr Andrew Robb Shadow Minister for Finance has said the Federal Coalition is keen to work with Mr Watts and the Queensland LNP to explore funding avenues to support a major research initiative at USQ. I also have the support of Ian Macfarlane Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources and Barnaby Joyce Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Water.
Everyone agrees Groundwater is a critical issue the difference is, the LNP will actively support and work in Regional Queensland to use science to understand and manage the issue. Whilst tired old Labor plunders regional Queensland wealth without a care for the long term sustainability of our communities.
I am focusing on getting Queensland back on track, by using science, technology and innovation to realize the full potential of our State’s extraordinary natural resources, and by unashamedly promoting economic growth and opportunity, in a sustainable way.