Business confidence crashes in Queensland


  • Business confidence down 16.9%, lowest since September 2020
  • Sales & revenue down 6.9% on last quarter, still falling
  • Employment levels down 4.5%
  • 63% of businesses and staff impacted by mental health

The LNP is calling on the Premier and Treasurer to take urgent action after the Chamber of Commerce Institute of Queensland’s quarterly survey revealed a drastic drop in business confidence.

The survey released today lays bare the sad state of Queensland’s small and family business sector.

Shadow Treasurer David Janetzki said that the government’s obsession with how things look rather than how things are has real impacts on Queensland taxpayers.

“The Treasurer has repeatedly ignored the pleas of small and family business owners for support in this crucial hour,” Mr Janetzki said.

“I have grave fears for the mental health of our business people who have given everything to their business, staff and community.

“Business owners list ‘discontent with political leadership’ as a key influence leading to their shattered confidence. 

“We need clear and consistent messaging to restore confidence and give business owners hope for their future.”

The Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts is calling on the Palaszczuk Government to step up to the plate and support the small and family business sector.

“It is time for a competent Queensland Government to step up and put a package on the table.

“They’re all too quick to tax businesses in good times and go after businesses to fund various projects they might have, but it is now time to support the lifeblood of Queensland…Our small businesses,” Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts said.

Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business Brent Mickelberg says the sector is being ignored.

“Where is the Minister for Small Business? She is in hiding when Queenslanders need her the most,” Mr Mickelberg.

“The lack of action has left small and family businesses with nothing but more uncertainty.

“Revenue has been slashed and employment is down, and we have a government with no plan.

“To see the rise in the number of businesses and their staff experiencing mental health challenges is extremely distressing. The Premier’s lack of action is cruel.

“The Opposition has been listening to businesses. That’s why we put suggestions forward for a support package, like targeted grants and payroll tax relief.

“Confidence is crashing. Businesses need a lifeline.”

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