Labor must ensure safety of residents at all state run care centres

Sunday, 17th May 2020 

The LNP has called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to ensure procedures are in place to guarantee the safety of residents and staff at all 16 state government run aged care homes across Queensland in the wake of the North Rockhampton breach.

LNP Shadow Minister for Health Ros Bates also said the investigation into what went wrong at the state-government centre in North Rockhampton must be made public.

“As a nurse myself, either the proper procedures weren’t in place or they weren’t followed in Rockhampton,” Ms Bates said.

“It’s a copout to blame the nurse who tested positive to coronavirus, this is a state government run home and the Health Minister needs to take full responsibility.

“Our elderly Queenslanders are the most vulnerable to coronavirus and residents across all 16 state-run homes must be the priority.  

“These 16 state-government run facilities are home to around 1000 elderly Queenslanders and their health and wellbeing must be a priority.*

“Less than a month ago the Premier threatened to name and shame aged care operators breaching the rules, but has been caught out by a bungle in her own backyard.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk clearly has no idea what is happening in aged care facilities operated by her own government.

‘It’s great that there has been no other positive cases stemming from the Rockhampton breach, but that seems to be down to good luck rather than good management,” Ms Bates said.

* Question on Notice from late 2018 on resident numbers in 16 state-run facilities –